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Building a business while you travel

Have you ever thought about just selling up and getting on the road and living a life of full time traveling? Oh yes and running a business too! And with dog? How is it possible?? In this interview you will find out from the founders of Nomad Stays who live a nomadic lifestyle now and continue to grow there startup. 


Linda & Mark are the founders of and here in this podcast interview you can here below they share their journey of Ideas into reality. You will find some great insights from both of the founders. They Started the Digital Nomad Life by packing up and going. They knew they could work online but not sure what it would look like. What they focused on was helping people grow a business, volunteering with startups and Startup weekends which is a shared passion also with the host Joy Taylor and how they met Joy. These to founders love adventure and not afraid to give it a go. 


Linda is passionate about travel having travelled to over 80 countries. She has riden her motor bike around around Australia and crossed other continents solo, America, Europe. She completed 23,000 Km a lap of Australia taken in Longreach.  An ex-Qantas International Flight Attendant hence the 747 Boeing in the background of the photo she continues to travel the world as a digital nomad now into her ninth year. 

All great things come from the desire to learn and the willingness to take the risk. The journey started as an idea that became a reality and still today travelling in Europe with a motor car to drive the dog and the gear and a motorcycle that is currently in Bulgaria in storage. That is another story. 

Traveling with her partner in business and in life Mark Phillips and her dog Dakar Dingo. Here she shares her stories with Joy Taylor in the Ideas to reality podcast. As Joy Taylor the host of Ideas into reality interviews Linda their is a familiarity of shared loves of innovation and travel. The conversation flows and made easy because Linda and Mark have spent some time taking care of their coworking space while Joy and her Partner David who owned Canvas Coworking (in Towoomba, Australia) went off travelling around the world and helping startups and innovators which is a shared passion by all mentioned. 

This podcast is with Joy Taylor at Canvas Coworking

Ideas into reality interview with The Founders of Nomad Stays 

Join Joy Taylor from Canvas Coworking as she interviews the founders of Nomad Stays Linda and Mark in this Podcast.

We share with you our journey of travelling the world while building our startup and how two Australians and Dog (CHO – Chief Happiness Officer) came to be living in the French Alps and building out their online booking platform for digital nomads and remote workers. 

This interview is filled with tips and hacks for new founders and startups so it is valuable to listen to from that perspective. Also hear about how this idea can to be and how it became a reality while they traveled the world. 

Starting a business while traveling the world is not easy but if you have the grit then you can change what matters to you by taking action. 



Mark and Linda

Founders of Nomad Stays when they first started their digital nomad Journey around Australia. Now living in France 

We hope you enjoy it and stay connected with us and our community on social.  

The founder of Nomad Stays

Mark is a business man a Chartered Accountant by profession and an entrepreneur. He loves adventure and travel . Hes been to over 100 countries and still going. He’s more of a global citizen in the world felling at home where ever he goes. A serial entrepreneur and got started on his latest startup Nomad Stays by Setting out to solve his own problem trying to find suitable longer stay Accomodation (monthly stays). An award winning entrepreneur with a hunger to make life easier and better for those of us who love to explore the world.

Launched in January 2020 Nomad Stays regardless of COVID 19 nomad stays grew at an average of 40% last year and continuing growth in 2021.

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We hope you enjoyed the interview podcast with the lovely Joy Taylor, so go and check out Canvas Coworking or drop-in next time your in Toowoomba Australia.

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